Monday, 21 October 2013

IPS National AGM

The IPS National AGM took place this year on Saturday 19th October in the Tower Hotel, Waterford. This was the first time that the South-Eastern branch hosted the National AGM, and a lot of members (including Mid-West members) travelled to Waterford to support them. There was a great turnout at the AGM, 83 people in total, which is probably a record for IPS AGM's.

Italian EQA rep Pia Puonti was the guest speaker, so she gave a talk and slide show after lunch.

The AGM challenge this year was to make small quilts for a neo-natal unit for a hospital in Waterford. The Mid-West branch had a number of entries for this challenge.

Nursery Quilt by Phyl Awylward

Made by Valerie Shortt using some of the June Summer Challenge fabric

Made by Valerie Shortt

Kate O'Donoghue

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