Wednesday, 31 August 2011

September meeting is nearly upon us!

No long to go now, before the montly meetings start back up again:
Friday 8th September at 8pm.

Just a reminder to everyone about the September challenge: we're hoping that all Mid-West Branch members will have made their ATC-sized name badge and will be wearing them on the night.

Also, there is a block challenge as well, a 10" yellow block which will be donated to make a quilt for charity.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Fashion Sans Frontier Event at Festival of Quilts

Last week at the Festival of Quilts, there was a fashion show "Fashion Sans Frontier". Ireland took on Russia and the UK in this event.
4 Irish quilters had to create 3 collections and 1 accessory.
Paula Rafferty from the Mid-West Branch was one of the designers and she also brave enough to move her outfits on the catwalk at the Hilton Hotel.

A slideshow of the fashion show has been set up on the IPS blog: Slideshow

Friday, 5 August 2011

Branching Out” Exhibition quilts heading to the Festival of Quilts

Here is the link to see which quilts have been chosen for the shortlists to hang at the IPS stand at the Festival of Quilts, Birmingham, UK.

It is hoped to hang all the quilts on the first list, and perhaps, most of the ones on the second. However, there is no guarantee that any particular quilt will hang.

But congratulations to the following Mid-Western Branch members who got shortlisted: Rachel Banting, Meg Kenny, Claire Lynch, the Genesis Group (Claire Lynch, Paula Rafferty, Meg Kenny, Tracy Watson and Ann Bradshaw).

Nora O’Connor is on the 2nd list so hopefully her quilt gets shown as well..

And remember as well as being at the Festival of Quilts, the "Branching Out" quilts will also be on display at the Knitting & Stitching Show, Dublin in November.